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The 1% Pledge is a movement of Corporate Philanthropy, calling on companies to find ways they can give back to their communities.
As a Salesforce partner, Rodina was encouraged early on — as Salesforce does with all of its partner companies — to give back; even companies that are just starting out, so that the practice is woven into the fabric of the business from day one.

And so, from our inception in 2017, Rodina has been doing just that, volunteering our consulting staff time and expertise to train Jewish Vocational Services' (JVS) students. In 2019, Rodina formalized this commitment via the Pledge 1% Foundation.

Rodina founder Dave Kremer is a JVS graduate (2016) and knows from experience the value of that program and the skills it provides. Rodina's pledge is to provide one or more JVS graduates from each cohort with essential real-world Salesforce training and experience. Data shows that this initial experience on the platform can be key to helping recently-certified individuals launch their Salesforce careers.

Rodina aims to provide that essential initial stepping stone to supporting JVS graduates' successes. Kremer says, “We hope to inspire other new companies like ours to give back to the community in a similar way.”

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Rodina Consulting Makes a 1% Pledge to Provide Salesforce Fellowship Positions for Jewish Vocational Services' Graduates

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